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Information on securing supply of cables to strategic customers

In connection with frequent enquiries from companies from the energy and mining sector, involving the introduction in Poland of a state of epidemic danger associated with the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and the associated restrictions, which translates into the availability of many strategic materials, we inform that our company Rogum Kable Sp.z.o.o. has all the resources for cable production.

Production in our plants is continuous and we offer a full range of specialist cables.

The coronavirus and restrictions related to it throughout Europe and the world have slowed down trade and disrupted global supply chains and continuity of companies' production. In this regard, we would like to point out that we are able to take over the obligations of your cable suppliers if necessary and deliver our products in order not to interrupt the continuity of production and thus provide your customers with services and supplies.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that due to the dynamically changing situation, the payment rules may change.

Rogum Kable Sp.z o.o.